Book: “Città Domestica”

Plectica Editrice is pleased to announce the launch of “Domestic City / Città Domestica” by Ugo La Pietra, the first publication of the bilingual series (Italian and English) Stanze directed by Francesca Romana Forlini.

The first volume of the series was written by the famous radical architect and researcher in the visual arts Ugo La Pietra. Engaged for over fifty years in the artistic, theoretical and architectural exploration of the domestic qualities of urban space and vice versa, in “Domestic City / Domestic City” La Pietra raises important social, theoretical and methodological questions aimed at exploring the theme of room.
With the same spirit that animated the first decades of its activity, La Pietra finds itself observing everyday life with sensitivity, analyzing and critically reinterpreting, with ironic, provocative but also colloquial tones, all the facets of living. The author focuses on the common aspects of society and material culture that are too often underestimated, instead bringing to the attention of readers the relevance of everyday life in relation to domestic rituals, decorations, objects of common use, period furniture, urban furnishings, typologies vernacular and new technologies. This attitude, both curious and critical, is a common feature of the multifaceted and multidisciplinary activity of the author, who has always looked at the codes of society with disenchantment.

La Pietra, Ugo. Domestic City/Città Domestica. Salerno: Plectica Editrice. 2021.
ISBN: 9788888813448
Language: Italian and English
Pubblication: May 2021

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© Design by Magda Tritto in collab. with Ugo la Pietra.