Exhibition: “Ugo La Pietra, Viaggio sul Reno 1974”

Spazio Choisi 02 presents

Ugo La Pietra, Viaggio sul Reno 1974

opening: wednesday 16 June 2021, from 17.00 pm
exhibition: from 17.06 to 03.09 – 2021
Spazio Choisi 02, first floor, via Pelli 13, Lugano

From June 16, Spazio Choisi 02 –dedicated to Artphilein Editions –, will host the display of Ugo La Pietra‘s artist’s book, Viaggio sul Reno 1974.
This Rhine cruise was an artistic experience of Ugo La Pietra, conducted together with the Global Tools Communication Group, composed of Franco Vaccari, Gianni Pettena, and Guido Arra. With the trip/performance on the Rhine, the artists explored the theme of “communication” in a closed and segregated environment, such as that of a trip organized on a boat: from this limited context, marked by regular rhythms and by a reduction at the minimum terms of any influence from the outside world, the participants’ behavior, their interactions, the communication processes emerge.

The exhibition is enriched by a selection of rare artist’s books in unique copies and the screening of the film “The reappropriation of the city” (Ed. Center Georges Pompidou, Paris 1977).

Spazio Choisi 01 e 02 sono aperti il giovedì e il venerdì, dalle 10.00 alle 18.00
Per info: +41 (0)91 922 00 38