Solo exhibition: La città scorre ai miei piedi

Ugo La Pietra
La città scorre ai miei piedi

Ca’ di Fra’ Gallery – Milano
opening thursday 20 september 6 pm to 9 pm

La Pietra, already in the late 60s, was exploring the city from the center to the outskirts with an attitude similar to the anthropologist researching social behavior with respect to the urban environment. “Degrees of Freedom” (“Gradi di libertà“), “Traces” (“Tracce“), “Recovery and Reinvention” (“Recupero e reinvenzione“) are just some of the historicized researches on the territory. Today La Pietra continues to experiment and study, reading and analyzing, through his sign, through its now famous contrasts between sign and photographic images. Ca ‘di Fra’ proposes two sequences of works: one related to the growth of the city (crescita della città) and the other to the city-country relationship (rapporto città-campagna).

La città scorre ai miei piedi
Solo exhibition of Ugo La Pietra
Ca’ di Fra’ Gallery
via Farini 2
The exhibition ends on 26 october 2018
tel. 02/29002108