Installation: “Storie di verde pubblico” for the exhibition: “Resistenza / Resilienza”

Storie di verde pubblico
five gazebos by Ugo La Pietra for the exhibition
Resistenza / Resilienza

 curated by 
Gaia Bindi and Piero Gilardi

Museo PAV Parco Arte Vivente, Turin, 21 June / 20 October 2019
opening June 20 at 5 pm with a round table

Today the green in the city is forced to deal with traffic, parking, is suffocated by asphalt, is placed in flower beds with a few centimeters of earth, is organized in small gardens where the generic green is the setting for too many monuments to the fallen !
The street furniture, the discipline born at the beginning of the eighties that was supposed to give meaning, value and identity to the places, has quickly become a project environment committed to giving form to parking bollards, waste bins, benches, barriers …

The installation develops through five representations of greenery in relation to its meaning and its use in the collective space: five “gazebos”, cockpits placed in the external area of the Museum, which contain a series of two-dimensional works (drawings and photomontages) and three-dimensional works.