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  • Books presentation

    Ugo La Pietra presening the books: “Le mie giornate particolari con” and “Storie brevi con”, Manfredi Edizioni together with Simone Mosca and Giovanna Canzi Tuesday 11 June 2019 7 pm Libreria Verso…

  • Lectio magistralis

    From the “Unbalancing System” to the art for social, 1960/2019
 lectio magistralis by Ugo La Pietra 31 May 2019 h. 16.00 Museo MACRO, Roma Auditorium
 via Nizza 138, ROMA Since the 1960s I…

  • Book presentation: Ugo La Pietra “Fatto ad arte. Né arte né design”

    Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte Foundation and Marsilio Editori, with Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship,present the the book: Ugo La Pietra“Fatto ad arte. Né arte né design” A selection of writings and…

  • Milano Design Week 2018

    SuperDesign Italian Radical Design 1965-1975 a film by Maria Cristina Didero and Francesca Molteni Introducing: Lionello Cerri (cinema Anteo), Maria Cristina Didero (curator), Ugo La Pietra (artist), Francesca Molteni (film director), Evan…