Author / archiviougolapietra

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  • Exhibition: “Home Futures”

    Ugo La Pietra partecipates at the exhibion: “Home Futures” 07 November 2018 – 24 March 2019 Design Museum LONDON Ugo La Pietra participates with projects “Inside / Ouside” (1979) e “Telematic house”…

  • Solo exhibition: “Viaggio nel Mediterraneo. Nature e territori”

    Viaggio nel Mediterraneo. Nature e territori the poetic journey of Ugo La Pietra between Mediterranean cultures and peoples Opening: saturday 27 October 17,30 pm untill 4 November Palazzo Ajiutamicristo, via Garibaldi 23,…

  • Solo exhibition: “Ugo La Pietra / L’Attraversamento Fotografie-Disegni-Progetti di un artista/architetto radicale”

    Ugo La Pietra/L’Attraversamento Fotografie-Disegni-Progetti di un artista/architetto radicale Spazio e Immagini Gallery – Bologna curated by Matteo Giacomelli 20 October 2018 – 4 February 2019 opening 20 October 17.30 pm The exhibition…

  • Solo exhibition: Mito e Materia

    Ceramiche Rometti, the historical Umbrian manufacture born in 1927, presents the exhibition MITO E MATERIA The creative imagery of Ugo La Pietra meets the savoir faire of Rometti. From a collaboration started…

  • Solo exhibition: La città scorre ai miei piedi

    Ugo La Pietra La città scorre ai miei piedi Ca’ di Fra’ Gallery – Milano opening thursday 20 september 6 pm to 9 pm La Pietra, already in the late 60s, was…

  • Book presentation: Ugo La Pietra “Fatto ad arte. Né arte né design”

    Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte Foundation and Marsilio Editori, with Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship,present the the book: Ugo La Pietra“Fatto ad arte. Né arte né design” A selection of writings and…

  • Exhibition: Homo Faber

    Ugo La Pietra presents “Interno/Esterno. L’ultima luce”, realized with mosaico by Maestro Giulio Candussio. Homo Faber Venezia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola di San Giorgio 14-30 September promoted by Michelangelo Foundation e Fondazione…

  • Solo exhibition: Disequilibrating Systems

    Neuravnoteženi Sistemi | Disequilibrating Systems Jul 3rd 2018. – Jul 11th 2018 ZAGABRIA
ORIS – HOUSE OF ARCHITECTURE Ugo La Pietra‘s new solo exhibition in Croatia, after the 2nd International Visual Artists Meeting in Vela Luka…

  • Exibition: Take me (I’m Yours)

    After being shown at the Milan edition of the exhibition “Take me (I’m Yours)” at Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, the installation “La riappropriazione della città: i propri itinerari, 1975-2018” will be shown again…

  • AGEVOLE armchair and sofa

    AGEVOLE armchair and two-seater sofa re-edition of the original 1983 project presented by Former / Busnelli on the occasion of the Salone del Mobile 2018 The armchair Agevole, designed by Ugo La…